The Hanen Centre™ is a not-for-profit, charitable organization that is dedicated to supporting professionals, parents, caregivers and educators so they have the skills to promote the best possible language, social and literacy skills in young children. This includes children who have language delays/disorders, autistic children, and children who are developing typically.
Founded in 1977, The Hanen Centre™ specializes in developing evidence-based programs and resources for the important people in young children’s lives – their parents and caregivers – to help them gain the knowledge and skills to build children’s social, language and literacy skills. To maximize our reach, we focus on training and supporting speech-language pathologists around the world so they can provide personalized support to the families they work with using Hanen programs and resources. We also provide training to early intervention professionals, who use the Hanen approach in their work with families of young children.
Read our mission
Read about our history
We recognize the family as the most important element in a child’s life. Our programs are grounded in extensive research showing the tremendous impact parents can have when they are supported to play a leading role in their child’s intervention.
These professionals have the power to connect and interact with children in ways that benefit children for the rest of their lives – building their confidence and well-being, while helping to lay the foundation for social, language and literacy success.
Research shows that children learn to communicate not by being “taught”, but by participating in enjoyable everyday conversations and activities with their parents and other important adults. This means that early intervention becomes an ongoing, more impactful process because it becomes part of a child’s everyday life.
Hanen Programs support parents and caregivers to understand their child better, and to use their child’s individual strengths and interests as a basis for helping them learn.
We know that the earlier a child receives the support they need, the greater the impact it will have.
Hanen Programs are based on extensive research and current best practice in early language intervention.
If you’re concerned about your child’s communication or social skills, or if you’re just looking for ways to give them the best possible start, we have research-based programs and resources to help.
We offer professional development workshops, e-Learning sessions and resources to speech-language pathologists, professionals who work with young children and their families, and early childhood educators.
We offer a free Student Community membership to SLP students, subsidies toward a Hanen workshop, and complimentary university presentations around the world.
Helping a child means providing support on many levels. In order to make our programs and resources widely available to parents and early childhood educators, we train professionals like speech-language pathologists to offer Hanen Programs and use Hanen resources so they can best support the families and educators they work with. This multi-level approach allows our programs and resources to help as many children and families as possible around the world.
The Hanen Centre is a registered Canadian not-for-profit charitable organization (#11895 2357 RR0001). Operating as a social enterprise, we fund our research, program development and operations through revenue generated from workshops and the sale of Hanen resources. Free from the need to seek donations, we can fully allocate our resources to the development and promotion of the trainings, programs, resources and member supports that fulfill our mission.
Around the world, governments, public institutions and school boards have chosen to support and incorporate The Hanen Centre’s evidence-based programs and trainings into their early childhood initiatives. We gratefully acknowledge funding from: