
Late Talkers... What We Know, and What We Don't

Published: Jun 26, 2024
Are all Late Talkers alike or are some at greater risk than others for ongoing language delays? Do late-talking children need extra help or do they just catch up on their own? Looking at what research tells us about Late Talkers can help us decide if a child needs extra support.

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How to Tell if Your Child is a Late Talker – And What to Do about It

Published: Jun 26, 2024
A Late Talker is a toddler between 18-30 months old who has limited spoken vocabulary for their age, while having a good understanding of language, as well as typically developing play, motor, thinking and social skills. Let's take a look at what the research tells us about Late Talkers, and what you should do if you are concerned about your Child's Communication.

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Lessons from the Pandemic: What Lockdowns Can Teach Us about Children’s Vocabulary

Published: Jun 18, 2024
During the pandemic, parents were often their child’s main source for language learning. This provided a unique opportunity to study how parent-child interactions influence children’s vocabulary development. See what the research uncovered and learn how you can apply the lessons learned to support your child’s vocabulary development.

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Neurodiversity-Affirming Practice: How Hanen Programs Fit and How We Have Evolved our More Than Words® Program

Published: Jun 18, 2024
We’re excited to announce that we’ve just updated More Then Words® – The Hanen Program® for Parents of Autistic Children or Children Who May Benefit from Social Communication Support. Part of this update involved doing research on what constitutes a neurodiversity-affirming approach and then analyzing the More Than Words® Program in terms of the fundamental elements of this approach.

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It’s Worth the Wait! The Power of Waiting During Interactions with Your Child

Published: Apr 29, 2024
You know that talking to your child is critical for their language development. But did you know that not talking sometimes is just as important? Learn more about the power of pausing and waiting during interactions with your child and what to look out for while you wait.

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Are Certain Toys Better Than Others for Autistic Children?

Published: Apr 22, 2024
Parents sometimes wonder what the best toys are for helping their young autistic child interact and communicate. The research might surprise you!

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Autism Month 2024

Published: Apr 16, 2024
This Autism Month, we’re raising awareness about the power of child-led play to get interactions started – and to keep them going for longer – with young autistic children. Here are two info and tip sheets you can print and share to make the most of child-led play.

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Make Print POP!

Published: Mar 20, 2024
There’s a lot children need to learn about print before they can start to read and write. Here are some tips to build this important early literacy skill during everyday activities with your child.

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Supporting the Science of Reading: Resources for Building Emergent Literacy in the Classroom

Published: Feb 27, 2024
The Science of Reading tells us that to become successful readers, children need to know two equally important skillsets. Learn more about these skills and browse our handouts, tips and articles for supporting emergent literacy in the classroom.

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Bringing Books to Life! Build Early Literacy Skills by Acting Out Stories

Published: Feb 21, 2024
Did you know that pretend play helps to build early literacy? Studies have shown that children who act out the stories they've heard remember more events from the story, learn new words, and can retell the story better.  Here are six tips for using pretend play to boost your child’s early literacy.

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Getting Hooked on Books! Choose Books that Spark Your Child’s Interest

Published: Jan 17, 2024
Sharing books is a great way to build your child’s language and early literacy skills. But what if your child doesn’t seem interested in books or doesn’t pay attention for long? If this sounds like your child, you might need to experiment with different kinds of books to see what catches your child’s interest. Here are some ideas to try!

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Holiday Handouts 2023

Published: Nov 29, 2023
Children’s best communication learning happens during enjoyable back-and-forth interactions with loved ones. Here are two tip sheets with research-based strategies to help you spark the kinds of sustained interactions that encourage communication best.
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Bring On the Books! 10 tips for Reading with Autistic Children

Published: Nov 14, 2023
Reading with your autistic child helps to build both their early literacy skills and communication skills. But did you know that the way you read with your child can make a big difference? Use these fun, simple tips to make the most of book reading to encourage your child to interact and learn. 

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Make Words Stand Out with the Four S’s!

Published: Oct 19, 2023
Helping your child learn new words doesn’t require special toys or flash cards. By using the Hanen Four S’s strategy during everyday conversations, you can build your child’s understanding of new words and pave the way for your child to use them when they’re ready.

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Just Being in the Same Classroom Is Not Enough: How to Promote Peer Interactions That Benefit Children’s Language Skills

Published: Sep 12, 2023
In order to learn from their peers, children with delayed language skills need to interact regularly with children with stronger language skills. But is this interaction happening in preschool classrooms? Find out what the research says, and what educators can do to promote the kind of peer interactions that benefit children most. 

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What Stands in the Way of Successful Peer Play?

Published: Aug 24, 2023
We asked professionals who work in early childhood settings what common challenges they face when encouraging children to interact.  Here are the top concerns they expressed, along with some thoughts from our Director of Early Childhood Education, Helen Livshits.

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Connection in the Classroom: How an Educator Transformed her Interactions to Benefit More Children

Published: Aug 22, 2023
Meet Tracy Stuchbery, an educator in Toronto, who participated in a recent Learning Language and Loving It™ Program. Find out how Tracy was able to connect with individual children in her room, and specific changes she made that improved the overall quality of her preschool setting.

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What Do Communication and Tennis Have in Common?

Published: Jul 17, 2023
The next time you have a conversation with your child, think of it like a game – of tennis! Follow these pro tips to make the game successful and fun, and to give your child lots of opportunities to build communication skills.

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How to Support Peer Interaction in Early Childhood Settings

Published: Jun 22, 2023
When 3-5 year olds engage in peer play, they practice essential skills that help prepare them for school success. But when a child is consistently left out of interactions, they miss out on these important learning opportunities. Here are some practical tips to maximize peer play opportunities for all children in your classroom, but especially for those who need the most support.

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Imitate to Connect! Sparking Interactions with Young Autistic Children

Published: Jun 15, 2023
When you have back-and-forth interactions with your child, you have many opportunities to support their social communication skills. However, you may not always be sure how to join in what your child is doing to get an interaction started. Try this fun and easy way to join in your child's play.

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The Power of Parents

Published: May 31, 2023
As a parent, you help your child learn new skills every day. Communication skills are no different! Let’s take a closer look at how you can transform the routines and activities you already do with your child into the best possible opportunities for them to learn and practise communication.

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Play Your Child’s Way!

Published: May 12, 2023
There’s no better time for your child to learn about communicating than when they’re playing. Use these tips to join in the play in the best ways to help your child learn.

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Include Your Child’s Interests: Building Interaction with Children on the Autism Spectrum

Published: Mar 31, 2023
Sometimes you may not be sure how to get an interaction started with your child, especially if they often play alone or have specific or unique interests. Here’s a Hanen strategy to help you start the kinds back-and-forth interactions that encourage social communication learning.

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Does Screen Time Affect Children’s Language Development?

Published: Mar 16, 2023
A new study shows that children’s screen time has gone up 52% since the pandemic. Many parents wonder what effect this might have on their child’s language development, and whether the child’s age or the type of programming makes a difference. Read on to find out.

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Encourage Conversations with Wordless Books!

Published: Feb 14, 2023
Have you ever read a book to your child that has no words? It might sound odd, but wordless children’s books are actually great tools to build both early language and literacy skills. Use these five tips to make the most of wordless books, and check out our book suggestions.
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Can Children on the Autism Spectrum Learn Two Languages?

Published: Jan 12, 2023
Many parents of children on the autism spectrum wonder about the best way to help their child learn two languages, and whether a second language will help or hinder their child’s development. Here’s what the latest research says.
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“Have Fun!” – An Essential Ingredient for Children’s Language Learning

Published: Nov 29, 2022
You know fun when you see it, but are you ready to coach parents to have fun with their child in parent-implemented intervention? Learn how to support parents by fostering fun interactions with their child using these 6 practical tips.
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Thinking Outside the Toy Box: Part 2

Published: Nov 23, 2022
When you encourage your child to play with a variety of things in a variety of ways, you create new experiences that give your child new opportunities to hear language and learn new things. Here are some more ideas for encouraging language and learning while having fun together!

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Thinking Outside the Toy Box: Part 1

Published: Oct 14, 2022
Parents often wonder about the best toys to help their child learn to communicate and play. Toys from the store are great, but they’re not necessary! Discover how you can use these five everyday household items to have fun with your child while building their language skills. 

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Light Up Your Child’s Brain with Books!

Published: Sep 8, 2022
As children head back to school, many parents wonder what they can do to help their child succeed in the classroom. Well, there’s one simple activity that can make a huge difference – enjoy books together! Here are some tips for reading with your child that can lay the foundation for language and literacy success.

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Take Language Learning Outside!

Published: Aug 25, 2022
There are many things to explore outdoors – and many opportunities for communication! Here are some suggestions for adding language to outdoor experiences to boost your child’s learning.

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Exploring Objects Helps Children Learn About Language

Published: Jul 19, 2022
Did you know that exploring objects early on is linked to later communication skills? You can make the most of this connection and help your child learn new words by using a few Hanen strategies while your child explores objects with their hands or their mouth.

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Laying the Foundation for First Words

Published: Jun 9, 2022

Learning to talk starts long before a child says their first words. In fact, there are many things your child needs to learn about before they’re ready to communicate with words. Here are some of the building blocks for using words, and some tips for how you can encourage them with your child.

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Children Who Lead Get the Language They Need!

Published: May 1, 2022
Welcome to our special page all about Following Your Child’s Lead – a key strategy in the Hanen early communication program, It Takes Two to Talk®. Here you’ll learn all about the importance of following your child’s lead to build their language skills, and you’ll find lots of tips and links to get you started.
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Get Face to Face to Communicate!

Published: Apr 18, 2022

Did you know that the way you position yourself when interacting with your child can make a big difference in how much they understand and communicate? Here are some tips you can use to make the most of face-to-face time with your child to help build their communication skills.

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Make Your Daily Routines R.O.C.K.™!

Published: Apr 6, 2022

Since routines usually happen in the same way every time, their predictable steps provide a great opportunity for children on the autism spectrum to learn new things. Learn a key Hanen strategy you can use during your everyday routines to build your child’s understanding and social communication skills.  

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Masking and Beyond: What We Know About Masks and Language Development and What Matters Most Even After the Masks Come Off

Published: Mar 11, 2022

What effect has masking had on children’s early language learning?  Researchers are still working to answer this question, but here’s what we know so far, and some important things to consider both during masking times and after masks are removed.

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Paying Attention to Children’s Joint Attention

Published: Feb 11, 2022

Joint attention is a key skill that helps children develop interaction and language skills. For children on the autism spectrum, research shows that better joint attention skills early on lead to better communication skills later in life. Learn more about joint attention and how you can encourage it during everyday interactions with your child.

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It Takes Two to Talk® Helps More Than Communication, New Studies Show

Published: Jan 17, 2022

Many studies have shown how It Takes Two to Talk builds children’s language skills. But did you know that the program also helps with children’s behaviour, social-emotional and social communication skills?  See what the most recent research reveals.

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Using Curiosity to Encourage Communication Skills

Published: Nov 19, 2021

Research shows that when children are curious, they not only learn more, but are more likely to remember what they learned. Here are some fun tips to encourage your child’s curiosity during everyday interactions to promote their early learning. 

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New Research Shows that More Than Words® Helps Both Parents and Children!

Published: Oct 26, 2021

There have been many studies on Hanen's More Than Words program for parents of children with autsim or social communication difficulties. Take a look at the results of the two most recent studies -- one from Malaysia and one from Turkey!

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E's and P's with Falling Leaves: Tips to Strengthen Your Child's Language and Thinking

Published: Oct 26, 2021

If your child is preschool aged (3-5), there's so much you can do during your everyday conversations to boost her language learning and to prepare her for school success. Learn how you can use the Hanen “E’s and Ps” strategy on your next outdoor walk to make your conversations more interesting and more impactful for your child.

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Using Early Childhood Classroom Activities to Build Vocabulary

Published: Sep 20, 2021

Studies show a strong connection between vocabulary development and academic success. Here are some tips to make the most of your preschool day to ensure that children have as many opportunities as possible to learn new words.

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Imitation and Communication: What’s the Connection?

Published: Jul 22, 2021

Learning to copy the actions of others is an important stepping stone on the road to communication. Learn more about the importance of imitation for children with autism, and what you can do to help your child imitate while having fun together.

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When a Child Has a Language Delay, Research Shows That Parents Can Make a Big Difference!

Published: Jun 17, 2021

Over the last decade, researchers looked at a large number of studies on parent-implemented intervention and compiled their findings. Here are the trends they found that tell us how effective this type of intervention is, and which types of children benefit.

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Parents’ Role in Language Intervention

Published: Jun 17, 2021

Are parents expected to be involved in their child’s early language intervention? What does parent involvement look like these days, and how important is it to a child’s speech and language therapy?

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Four Things You Might Not Know About Language Learning Difficulties in Childhood

Published: May 12, 2021
The more we understand about language learning difficulties, the better we can support children to get the help they need. Here are four facts you should know about early language learning challenges.

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Two Tips for Helping Children Pretend Together

Published: Mar 11, 2021

Pretend play is one of the best contexts for building communication, thinking and social skills. Whether you're a parent or an early childhood educator, here are two simple tips you can use to encourage pretend play while keeping it both fun and appropriate for the child's stage.

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How to Talk to Children Who Are Learning to Talk

Published: Feb 12, 2021
It's natural to simplify our language when speaking to children who are just learning to talk. But is it possible to simplify language too much? See what the research says about the kind of language that works best to help children learn.

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Making New Words “Stick”

Published: Jan 6, 2021
Children with language delays often need extra help to develop an understanding of a new word and to be able to use that word on their own. Here are some tips parents can use to make word learning easier for their child.

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Tips to Build Vocabulary: Repeat Words That Match Your Child’s Interests

Published: Dec 14, 2020
If your child is just starting to talk, you might be wondering how you can help him learn new words. Here are some tips for identifying the best words to help your child learn and highlighting those words most effectively.

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Three Keys to Helping Your Child Learn Language

Published: Nov 24, 2020
There are many techniques you can use to help your child learn language, but which ones are the most effective? Discover the three key things you can do during any activity with your child to give his language learning the biggest boost.

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Does Telling Children to Say Words Build Their Vocabulary?

Published: Oct 14, 2020
If you've ever tried to help your child learn a new word by telling him to say it, you're not alone! But does this tactic actually work? What does it really take to help your child understand a new word and use it on his own?

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Moving Hanen Parent Programs Online!

Published: Aug 5, 2020
With the aim of reaching as many families as possible, The Hanen Centre has come up with creative ways to use technology to help more families support their child’s communication development. In this article, we explain how this new way of providing parent-implemented intervention – known as “telepractice” – is proving to be invaluable as many in-person services are limited or prohibited due to COVID-19.
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Talking to Young Children on the Autism Spectrum Matters, Study Shows

Published: Jul 2, 2020
According to a new study, very young children on the autism spectrum who hear more words and have more back-and-forth conversations with their parents tend to have better language skills at age two. In this article, we share how you can encourage conversations.

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COVID-19: How Educators Can Build Interactions While Balancing Precautions

Published: Jun 17, 2020
Here at The Hanen Centre, we have spent a couple of decades building programs and creating books to help educators create the best possible interactions that build language, communication and literacy for all children in their classroom. With the novel coronavirus outbreak forcing society to adapt in unprecedented ways, we've been discussing how those same strategies can be adapted in the time of social distancing.
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How to Build a Strong Foundation for Your Child's Language Skills

Published: May 27, 2020

Did you know that interaction is the most important foundation for your child’s language learning? Learn how to engage your child in the kinds of back-and-forth interactions that set the stage for the best language learning.

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‘Springboards for Learning’ Early Experiences Launch Children’s Development Forward

Published: Apr 28, 2020

A new study by researchers shows that a home environment that is rich with language and learning jumpstarts children’s skills and has benefits that can be seen until at least Grade 5. In this article, we explain the results of the study and how you can help your child's learning.

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Tap into Your Child’s Natural Way of Learning Language

Published: Feb 10, 2020

By age six, the average child understands about 10,000 words! This amazing feat happens by children picking out patterns in the language they hear every day. For children with language delays, they have more difficulty picking out these patterns in language. In this article, we share some tips on how you can help your child find patterns during your everyday interactions.

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Common Questions about Questions

Published: Jan 20, 2020
As a parent, you probably use questions as a way to encourage your child to talk and help him or her have little conversations with you. In this article, you’ll find answers to some questions you might have about how to use questions effectively to build your child’s language and conversation skills.
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Supporting Children’s Vocabulary and Thinking in a Magic Potion Laboratory: A Reflective Conversation Between Educators, a Speech-Language Pathologist and a Linguist

Published: Dec 31, 2019
This is a collaborative article where representatives from three different professions reflect on how teachers can intentionally create opportunities for extending children’s thinking and supporting vocabulary development.
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Helping Verbal Children on the Autism Spectrum Grow Their Language Skills

Published: Oct 4, 2019
Did you know that you and your child have a big influence on each other’s language? If your child is on the autism spectrum, you can help them learn language by being one step ahead. In this article, we describe what it means to be a step ahead in the conversation and how this paves the way for your child’s language development.

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Choosing a Preschool That Encourages Language Learning: What Should You Look For?

Published: Sep 9, 2019
Children’s language learning skills are influenced by the people they interact with everyday. As these are the skills that prepare them for kindergarten and future school readiness, it is important to choose a preschool environment that encourages children’s language growth. Find out what you should look for when choosing a preschool for your child.
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Use “Thinking and Feeling Words” to Build Your Child's Communication Skills

Published: Jul 10, 2019
While children’s first words tend to be about concrete things like objects and actions, they soon go on to learn more abstract language about thoughts and feelings. Find out why this kind of language is so important for both social and academic success, and what you can do to promote it during your daily interactions with your child.
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Literacy in the Early Years: What Children Need to Learn and How You Can Help Them Learn It

Published: Jun 18, 2019
One of the key ways to prepare young children for school success is to build their emergent literacy skills – the skills required before a child begins to read and write. What are the key emergent literacy skills young children need to learn, and what are some of the research-based ways we can support them?
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Research Reveals the Power of Pretending

Published: May 13, 2019
Joint attention and gestures are key skills that allow children to progress with their language development. In fact, they lay the foundation for children’s first words. So, what kind of interactions are best for nurturing these abilities? A new study reveals that Pretend Play is an excellent way for children to practice these important early communication skills.
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Creating More Opportunities for Interaction with Children on the
Autism Spectrum

Published: Apr 22, 2019
This Autism Awareness Month, we had the chance to share some very practical information on creating the best opportunities for children with autism to interact. Whether you’re a parent or a professional, these resources can help you lay the foundation for the kinds of enjoyable interactions that help children connect, have fun, and learn new social skills.
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Timing Is Everything When It Comes to Taking Turns with Your Child

Published: Mar 14, 2019
In order to help young children learn language and have conversations, it’s really important that they learn about taking turns. Here are some tips on the best ways to help your child take turns, and what to keep in mind if your child has a language delay.
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Why Self-regulation Is Important for Young Children

Published: Feb 12, 2019
Did you know that your child's ability to self-regulate is directly related to his language learning, as well as many other areas of his development? Find out why this skill is so important and what sort of things might affect your child's ability to self-regulate.
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It's Never Too Early to Have Conversations with Your Child

Published: Jan 14, 2019
To learn language, young children need to do much more than just hear their parents use words -- they need to engage in back-and-forth conversations, even if they're not yet using words or sentences. What does an "early conversation" look like, and how can you make sure you're having them with your child as often as possible?
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Tips to Make the Most of Special Times Together

Published: Nov 30, 2018

It’s during fun, everyday moments with you that your child’s communication can really blossom.  Here are some tips to maximize your child’s language, social and literacy skills while enjoying time together this holiday season.

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Helping Children Who Use Echolalia

Published: Nov 5, 2018
If your child uses echolalia, it can be tricky to figure out what they're trying to tell you. But by using some specific interaction techniques, you can discover what they might be trying to say more easily, and also help them learn other ways to communicate their message.
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3 Things You Should Know About Echolalia

Published: Oct 29, 2018
There are many reasons a child with autism might use echolalia. While it may be difficult to figure out what your child is trying to say when he uses echolalia, learning a little bit about this kind speech can help you figure out the meaning behind his message. Here are three things you need to know about echolalia.
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Helping Children Develop Language for Thinking and Learning

Published: Sep 26, 2018
If your child already uses short sentences and understands simple questions, he’s now ready for you to help him take the next step in his language journey – understanding and using “decontextualized language” or “language for thinking and learning”. Here are some practical tips for helping your child develop this important language skill.
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Moving Beyond the “Here-and-Now”: Using Language for Thinking and Learning

Published: Sep 18, 2018
To be prepared for school, children need to be able to understand and use a specific kind of language called "decontextualized language" or "language for thinking and learning". Learn more about what this kind of language is and how it sets the stage for academic success.
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The "Super Skill" for School Readiness

Published: Aug 23, 2018
We know that having strong early skills in areas like math and literacy predicts children's success in those areas later on. But imagine a skill that predicts not only its own success, but the success of many other academic and social skills as well. Does such a "super skill" exist?
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How to Help Your Child Use Early Sentences

Published: Aug 14, 2018
Most children start combining words into sentences somewhere around 30 months old, though this may happen a bit later for children with language delays. Whether your child is typically developing or has a delay, there are specific ways you can talk to your child to encourage this big step in language development.
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Early Sentences — A Big Step in Language Development

Published: Aug 9, 2018
It’s a major milestone in language development when children start to combine words, like “big bus”, “I want cookie”, or “come Mommy.” This big step allows children to express more than one idea at a time, and it suddenly becomes easier to figure out what they’re trying to tell us! Find out how early sentences develop and when you can expect your child to start using them.
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Strengthening Your Child’s “Control Centre”: How Bilingualism Boosts Executive Functioning

Published: Jul 5, 2018

Research shows a happy side effect of bilingualism in young children – better executive functioning skills. Find out why these skills are important and how a second language can give them a boost.


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The Power of Turn-taking: How Back-and-forth Interactions Help Children Learn Language

Published: May 15, 2018

Having a back-and-forth conversation with a child may seem like a small thing, but it turns out it’s everything when it comes to helping them learn language.  Studies show a strong connection between turn-taking and a child’s brain development and language skills.  Find out what makes high quality interactions so powerful and how you can make them happen with your child.

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Encouraging Joint Engagement with Children on the Autism Spectrum

Published: Apr 6, 2018
Joint engagement happens when an adult and child interact together while focusing on the same object. Research shows a strong link between a child's communication development and the amount of time they spend in joint engagement with adults. Find out how you can encourage joint engagement with children on the autism spectrum during fun, everyday interactions.
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You Are Your Child’s Best Toy!

Published: Mar 22, 2018

For children with language delays, one of the best contexts for learning language is during “people games” – games you play with people and not toys. Find out why, and what you can do during people games to maximize your child’s language learning.

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Spotlight on Australia - Make the Most of Your Child's NDIS Funding

Published: Mar 20, 2018

The NDIS is now putting parents in the driver’s seat when it comes to choosing services for their child. But did you know that you can also be in the driver’s seat when it comes to supporting your child’s language development?

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Build Your Baby's Understanding: Match What You Say to What's Happening in the Moment

Published: Feb 2, 2018

Babies’ understanding of language begins long before they start to talk. Though they may not be ready to say words, building their understanding is an essential step on the path to language development [1]. As a parent, there are many things you can do to support your baby’s understanding and build a solid foundation for them to use words later on.

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What’s the Point of Pointing?

Published: Jan 16, 2018

Pointing is much more than just one of those cute things that babies do! It marks a huge milestone in a child’s development. Read on to find out why and what you can do to encourage your child to point.

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Building Early Literacy Skills in Children on the Autism Spectrum or with Social Communication Difficulties

Published: Jan 8, 2018

Emergent literacy skills are the building blocks of learning to read and write. These early skills are essential for all children to learn, but can be particularly important for children on the autism spectrum or with social communication difficulties.

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The Power of Parents in Autism Intervention

Published: Oct 12, 2017

Parents are now considered the "partners" of speech-language pathologists. The two work together to make therapy an ongoing process for the child, with the parent learning how to encourage the child's communication during daily routines and activities. But what about parents of children with autism spectrum disorder, who sometimes find it difficult to catch their child’s attention or engage them in an activity? If parent-implemented intervention relies on interaction between the parent and child, can it still work if the parent is struggling to interact and engage with their child? Find out what the most recent research says.

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Make Book Reading a Time for Conversations

Published: Jul 31, 2017

Reading books with your child is a great opportunity to have conversations – something that’s both enjoyable and important. After all, conversations about books are known to boost a child’s language skills and future reading ability, among other things. In this article, we share some strategies to help you make book reading a time to talk and boost your child’s literacy skills as you have fun together!

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iPad = I Don’t Talk: The Effects of Young Children’s Screen Time

Published: Jun 27, 2017
Electronics are a part of life for all of us these days including young children. However, while screens can be helpful in the right context (like devices that help children communicate), they can actually decrease word and sentence use in toddlers when used only for entertainment. In this article, we examine new research on screen time and toddlers, and suggest ways to build communication skills using the screen time that your toddler gets.

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How to Help Your Child Learn New Words

Published: May 26, 2017
Research shows that toddlers who know a lot of words often have more success in school later on – so having a large vocabulary at a young age is very important! In this article, we review the typical milestones for infants who are learning new words, and explore some proven strategies to help you boost your child’s vocabulary – whether or not she has a language delay.
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Making Sure Children Get Their Daily Dose of Language Nutrition

Published: Mar 15, 2017
We hear a lot about the importance of nutrition, and while healthy eating is always essential for growing children, there’s another type of nutrition that we haven’t heard enough about – language nutrition, or the interactions that help kids develop. Experts recently explored over 100 studies and narrowed down the key parts of language nutrition. Read more about their insights and discover how you can give your child the language nutrition he needs to grow.
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Baby Babble: A Stepping Stone to Words

Published: Feb 14, 2017
Baby talk might sound like gibberish to most people, but it’s actually an essential part of a child’s development. The way your child babbles, and the way you respond, is key to understanding how he’ll communicate in the future. Learn more about babbling, why it matters, how you can use it to help your child learn language, and what to do if he starts babbling late.
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Helping Children with Language Delay Develop “Theory of Mind”

Published: Jan 16, 2017
Developing theory of mind (the ability to understand that different people can have different thoughts and beliefs) is an important part of any child’s development. Without theory of mind, children can have trouble taking turns, making friends, having conversations or understanding the perspectives of others. Discover how you can help your child develop theory of mind and “tune in” to the people in his life.
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Which Toys Work Best for Supporting Interactions with Your Child

Published: Dec 8, 2016
Have you ever noticed that some toys make it harder to start an interaction with your child than others? You’re not alone. New research shows that the type of toy you and your child play with can actually change your interactions. Find out what toys you can use to encourage conversation and why book reading is still the most effective way to introduce language to your child.

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Helping Young Readers in a Digital World

Published: Nov 30, 2016
Which do you prefer, reading on a screen or on paper? Do you think there’s a difference in how much you retain between the two mediums? In light of the increasing use of screen-reading (tablets, e-readers, phones etc…), it’s crucial to understand how screen reading impacts readers. In this article, we look at what research has to say on how technology may be shaping children’s reading habits and what this means for emergent readers…
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New Information About Why Early Intervention is Key for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder

Published: Oct 18, 2016
We’ve heard a lot about early intervention when it comes to children with on the autism spectrum. But why is it so important to start helping these children as early as possible? Discover the research behind early intervention and find out why children should start learning language as early as possible.
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Helping Children Learn English as a Second Language

Published: Aug 26, 2016
Parents often wonder how they can help their child learn English as a second language, but they often already have all the tools they need – the types of parent-child interactions that help children learn their first language can help them learn their second language as well. Here are some tips on promoting second language learning, based on the latest research.
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Combining Words Together: A Big Step in Language Development

Published: Aug 2, 2016
First words are always exciting, but a child’s first combination of two different words is just as important. In fact, research shows that children who are late to combine words are more at risk for future problems with language than children who were late with their first words. Discover when your child should start putting words together, what to do if you suspect a delay, and how you can help him start making combinations.
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How to Build Language and Literacy Through Powerful Conversations

Published: Jul 18, 2016
Children learn language and literacy skills best during powerful, high-quality conversations with the important adults in their lives. Learn what the ingredients of a powerful conversation are, and get specific tips for what you can do during these conversations to build the important skills your child needs to learn.
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Verbs Pave the Way for Language Development

Published: Jun 20, 2016
You may have noticed that a child’s first words are usually the names of people or things, like “Mama”, “Dada”, “ball” or “car”. But by the age of two, young children should also be saying verbs. In fact, verb use at this age has been linked to more advanced grammatical skills six months later. Here are some tips for helping young children learn and use verbs.
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It’s Quality, Not Just Quantity, That Helps Your Child Develop Language

Published: May 13, 2016
Parents are often advised to “talk a lot” to their child to help him learn language. But recent study shows that the number of words a child hears is not what’s most important. Rather, it’s the quality of the interaction between the parent and child that makes the biggest difference. Find out what you can do to encourage the kinds of quality interactions that help your child learn best.
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Why Interaction Must Come Before Language

Published: May 2, 2016
Every parent is eager to hear their child use words and start putting sentences together. But did you know that there’s a long list of things a child must learn about communication before he can begin to communicate with words? Find out what these “pre-language” skills are, and how you can promote them during everyday interactions with your child.
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Pretend Play Should Be Fun, Not Work!

Published: Feb 16, 2016
Pretend play skills are closely linked with the development of language, social and emotional skills. Children with autism may need extra help to learn to pretend, but just showing them how to do pretend play actions isn't enough. find out how to add that one critical ingredient your child needs to truly pretend – fun!
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The Importance of Gestures

Published: Jan 13, 2016
Did you know that the ability to use gestures is an important precursor for language development? Children who produce more gestures early on have been shown to have larger vocabularies and better story-telling abilities later on. Find out what you can do encourage your child’s gesture use during everyday interactions.
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Dads Can Make a Difference! Getting Dads of Children with Autism Involved in Intervention

Published: Oct 14, 2015
Mothers are often more involved than fathers in early language intervention for children with autism. But should that be the case? Studies show that Dads play a critical and unique role in supporting their child's communication development, and their involvement should always be encouraged.
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Preparing Preschoolers for "School Talk"

Published: Sep 10, 2015
When children start school, they’re suddenly expected to use and understand a very different kind of language from the one they’re used to hearing. Parents and childcare providers can give children a good head start by exposing them to “school talk” early so that they’re well prepared when they start school.
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Creating Safe(r) Screen Time for Your Child

Published: Jul 8, 2015
Though studies continue to show that children learn best from interacting with people, not screens, the fact is that media is large and unavoidable part of our lives. The good news is that children can learn from a limited amount screen time as long as parents follow a few important guidelines...
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Which Children with Autism Develop Better Communication Skills?

Published: Apr 9, 2015
Researchers have identified three critical skills that are connected to better communication skills later in life for children with autism: joint attention, imitation and toy play. Why are these skills so important for communication, and what can you do to help your child develop them?
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“Tuning In” to Others: How Young Children Develop Theory of Mind

Published: Mar 4, 2015
Having a ‘theory of mind” means understanding that other people’s thoughts and feelings may be different from your own. Children with autism have difficulty developing theory of mind, which can make social interactions difficult. Find out what you can do during everyday interactions with your child to help him tune in to the thoughts and feelings of others.
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Five Books, Five Literacy-Building Ideas!

Published: Feb 23, 2015
Early literacy skills are the “tools” your child needs to learn to read and write, so the more early literacy skills she has now, the better prepared she’ll be for school. Here are some fun tips for building the five critical early literacy skills your child needs to learn before she starts school…
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Was That Intentional? Helping Young Children with Communication Delays Send Purposeful Messages

Published: Jan 15, 2015
A big developmental step happens when young children learn to send messages intentionally – that is, when they learn to communicate directly to someone to achieve a specific goal. Find out what parents of children with communication delays can do encourage their child’s intentional communication.
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What Makes Your Child "Tick"? Using Children’s Interests to Build Communication Skills

Published: Nov 28, 2014
Many studies show that children’s best learning occurs when adults engage them in everyday activities that are based on their interests. Find out how to take a closer look at your child’s interests and use them to create a variety of enjoyable learning opportunities.

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Teaching Children to Think: Meeting the Demands of the 21st Century

Published: Sep 8, 2014
With the advent of Google and modern technology, the role of the classroom teacher has had to evolve. Educators no longer need to focus on being “information keepers and dispensers.” Instead, they can focus on building the critical thinking skills that are becoming so important in the 21st century. Find out how Canada and other countries around the world are re-defining the role of the teacher to meet the education needs of today’s children.
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More Than ABCs: Building the Critical Thinking Skills Your Child Needs for Literacy Success

Published: Aug 21, 2014
To truly understand a story, your child needs to go beyond the words and pictures on the page and use her critical thinking skills. Find out how you can promote your child's understanding during book reading with "E's and P's" — the building blocks of critical thinking.
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E-Book or Paper Book − What’s Best for Young Children?

Published: Jul 2, 2014
Concern has been raised about how much time children are spending in front of screens, and whether they learn as much from e-books as they do from traditional print books. There have been several studies about e-books over the past decade, and they have revealed both advantages and disadvantages...
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What Is Behaviour Regulation? And What Does It Have To Do With Language Development?

Published: Jun 26, 2014
A child's ability to regulate his own behaviour is closely related to his language development. Studies have shown that preschool children who have better behaviour regulation skills also have better early literacy, vocabulary, and math skills.

What are some of the things you can do to promote your child's behaviour regulation and support his language development?
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Talking to Young Children Makes a Big Difference!

Published: May 28, 2014
How many words does your child hear in a day? A recent study by researchers at Stanford University confirmed that children who hear more words in a day have better speech-processing skills. And the better children’s speech-processing skills, the faster they can learn new words and build the large vocabularies that set the stage for success in school.
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R.O.C.K.™ in People Games: Building Communication in Children on the Autism Spectrum or with Social Communication Difficulties

Published: Apr 8, 2014
People games are fun, physical activities that you can play with your child to help build their interaction and communication skills. People games are particularly helpful for children on the autism spectrum or who have other social communication difficulties because they provide many opportunities to build some of the key interaction skills that these children may have difficulties with.
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Promoting Language with Books

Published: Feb 25, 2014
It’s hard to find a website or pamphlet today about child development that doesn’t say something about the importance of reading with young children. But what exactly is it about books that makes them such a powerful tool for promoting children’s development? And what are some things you can do during book reading to ensure that you child has the best chances to learn?
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Getting Ready to Read

Published: Jan 28, 2014
Did you know that your child’s journey toward literacy starts long before she begins to read and write? In fact, by the time your child starts school, she’ll need a solid foundation of several “early literacy skills” – the building blocks for learning to read and write successfully. Find out what you can start doing right now to build these critical skills and prepare your child for reading success.
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Autism Spectrum Disorder and Early Literacy: Common Misconceptions

Published: Oct 24, 2013
If you have a child with autism, you may have been told to wait until he can talk before helping him learn early literacy skills. Or perhaps you heard that flashcards are the best way to prepare your child to learn to read. How do you know if you’re getting good advice? This article clears up a number of common misconceptions about helping young children with autism develop early literacy skills.
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Does Baby Sign Make a Difference?

Published: Jul 25, 2013
If you Google "baby sign", you’ll find claims that teaching sign language to typically-developing babies helps them to speak sooner, develop larger vocabularies, have stronger cognitive skills, and feel closer to their parents. But does research actually support these claims? If parents are looking for the best ways to support their child’s language development, is baby sign really the answer?
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Build Your Child’s Vocabulary

Published: Jun 27, 2013
Did you know that the words your child hears at home will directly impact the size of his vocabulary when he starts school? A new study shows that it’s not just the number of words a child hears at home, but the quality of those words and the way the parent uses them that is extremely important. Find out how you can build your preschooler’s vocabulary now so that he has the best possible start when he goes to school.
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Early Signs of Autism

Published: Mar 28, 2013
Because early intervention leads to better outcomes for children with autism, early detection is more important than ever. Young children with autism don’t all have the same characteristics, but there are early signs that tell you there is a concern. What are the signs to look out for? And what should you do if you see some of these signs?
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The Truth About Kids' Lies

Published: Feb 26, 2013
Has your child ever looked you in the eye and told you she didn’t eat the last cookie, even though her face was covered in crumbs? And did you worry that she had just taken her first step down a dangerous path of deceit? It may surprise you to learn that aside from being a normal part of development, lying reflects a very important milestone in your child’s social skills development.
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Can Your Baby Really Learn to Read?

Published: Jan 24, 2013
Proponents of teaching babies to read claim that through repeated exposure to printed words on flashcards and DVDs, infants eventually learn to “read” these words. But are these babies really reading? And if not, is there anything parents can do with their babies that will make a real difference in developing early literacy skills?
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"A" is for Apple: What Kids Can Learn at the Grocery Store

Published: Dec 18, 2012
While grocery shopping with children can sometimes be stressful, there are ways of turning this regular outing into an opportunity for interaction, conversation, and fun! Find out how you can make the most of this time with your child to encourage her to use and learn language.
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Toys That Kick-start the Imagination!

Published: Nov 22, 2012
Toys are a great way to stimulate your child’s imagination and encourage pretend play. But some toys are better than others in their power to kick-start the imagination...
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The Land of Make Believe: How and Why to Encourage Pretend Play

Published: Nov 22, 2012
When your child pretends to be a pilot or a pirate, he’s doing much more than having fun. He’s learning to use his language to create imaginary situations and developing critical thinking skills that he’ll use throughout his life. Follow the easy steps in this article to maximize your child’s learning during pretend play activities.
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Does child care make a difference to children’s development?
Clarifying common assumptions about child care

Published: Sep 13, 2012
Do children who attend child care have better outcomes than children who are cared for at home by their mothers? Do children with special needs benefit from increased hours in child care? Find out what the research says about these and other common assumptions about child care.
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"Good job!" Is Praising Young Children a Good idea?

Published: Jul 26, 2012
"Good job!", "Awesome!", "What a beautiful picture!" These are just a few of the encouraging phrases you might hear at any playground or preschool. But does praise like this actually build a child’s confidence? Find out how the kind of praise you offer your child can make the difference between encouraging and discouraging your child to embrace new challenges.
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Helping Your Child Cope with His Sensory Needs

Published: Mar 30, 2012
Children with autism often have difficulty processing information taken in through the senses. Some children may be over-sensitive to certain sensations, while others are under-sensitive. Discover what you can do to meet your child’s particular sensory needs while at the same time creating fun opportunities for communication and interaction.
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Which Books are Best? How the Type of Book Affects Children’s Language Learning

Published: Feb 15, 2012
Can electronic books promote language and literacy as well as paper books?  Do moving parts in a book help children learn or are they distracting?  Do the types of pictures in a book affect what a child learns? Find out what the research says.
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Can children with language impairments learn two languages?

Published: Jan 18, 2012
Is it wise to introduce a second language to children who have language delays? Is a second language immersion program a good idea? When a child is diagnosed as language delayed, should bilingual parents stop speaking to him in their home language? Find out what the latest research says about this topic.
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Bilingualism in Young Children: Separating Fact from Fiction

Published: Dec 21, 2011
Is bilingualism an advantage to a young child or can it cause language difficulties? Should parents speak their native language to their children or should they try to speak the “majority” language? Discover what the research says about children learning two languages.
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Infants and Toddlers "Unplugged": New Recommendations about Media Use from the American Academy of Pediatrics

Published: Nov 24, 2011
Many babies and toddlers under the age of two spend a significant amount of time watching “educational” programming or videos. But does watching such programming really help children learn?  New recommendations from the American Academy of Pediatrics suggest that parents should re-think the amount of time their toddler spends in front of the television…
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Parents as “Speech Therapists”

Published: Oct 20, 2011
As a parent, you know that you play an important role in helping your child communicate. But did you know that when you learn to interact with your child in certain ways, you can be just as effective at helping your child as a speech-language pathologist? Learn more.
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Do second and third-born children really talk late? The effect of birth order on language development

Published: Jul 11, 2011

“He’s a little late to talk because his older sister talks for him”.

This statement has been made by many parents with more than one child. But is it really the case that second and third-born children speak later than first-borns? And if you see a difference in the language development of your later-born child, should you be worried?

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Study on More Than Words® Program Provides Encouraging Results for Parents of Toddlers with Autism

Published: Mar 23, 2011
A new study has demonstrated that toddlers with autism who play with a limited number of toys show greater improvement in their communication skills if they participated in Hanen’s More Than Words® Program than if they received other community-based treatments.
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Fact or Fiction? The Top 10 Assumptions about Early Speech and Language Development

Published: Mar 2, 2011
Do you ever wonder if boys really do talk later than girls? Or if it’s confusing to speak two languages to a child? And when grandma says using a pacifier is going to cause speech problems later, should you believe her?
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Television Watching: Practical Advice for Parents of Young Children

Published: Jan 27, 2011
TV watching is a part of our everyday lives. Since television burst onto the scene in the 1950s, we have grown to the point that 98% of households in first-world countries have at least one television. Considering the pervasiveness of TV in modern life, what does the research have to say about the impact of TV on young children's development?
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Shoot for the SSTaRS: A Strategy for Teaching Vocabulary to Promote Emergent Literacy

Published: Jan 27, 2011
"... Children with rich vocabularies have an enormous educational advantage. Many studies show that vocabulary is the best predictor of reading comprehension at the end of grades 2 and 3, and that vocabulary growth is directly linked to overall school achievement. Not all children have the same opportunities to learn new words. As a result, children’s vocabularies can differ enormously in size by the end of their preschool years. Building children’s vocabulary in early childhood settings must therefore be a priority if children are to have the foundation they need to succeed at school..."
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The Power of Using Everyday Routines to Promote Young Children's Language and Social Skills

Published: Jan 27, 2011
An enormous amount of learning can take place when children are involved in daily routines such as bathing, feeding, diaper changing and riding in a car - things that parents do with their children every day. These daily events are so important because they provide opportunities for repetitive learning in a natural, enjoyable yet structured way.
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Hanen's Four Stages of Early Communication: A Short Guide for Parents

Published: Jan 27, 2011
Learn about the four stages of children's communication - drawn from our popular It Takes Two to Talk® Guidebook!
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Educational DVDs: What Helps Babies Learn and What Doesn’t

Published: Jan 27, 2011
In recent years, products such as the Brainy Baby and Baby Einstein DVD series, as well as baby sign language products and programs have become very popular. Parents have come to expect that these “educational” products will give their child some educational advantage. But do they? Recent research has produced some surprising results about these widely-used products.
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Guidelines for Choosing a Speech-Language Pathologist

Published: Jan 27, 2011
When your child has been diagnosed with a language delay, perhaps the first question that comes to mind is, “Now what?” Here are a few guidelines to keep in mind when selecting a speech-language pathologist...
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A Closer Look at Social Communication Difficulties of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder

Published: Jan 27, 2011
As a parent of a child on the autism spectrum, you want to help your child communicate and interact with others. To provide the right support, you need to understand how communication typically unfolds so you can spot the differences between typical communication development and the delayed or different communication development in your young child with ASD.
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