
Light Up Your Child’s Brain with Books!

Published: Sep 8, 2022
As children head back to school, many parents wonder what they can do to help their child succeed in the classroom. Well, there’s one simple activity that can make a huge difference – enjoy books together! Here are some tips for reading with your child that can lay the foundation for language and literacy success.

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Take Language Learning Outside!

Published: Aug 25, 2022
There are many things to explore outdoors – and many opportunities for communication! Here are some suggestions for adding language to outdoor experiences to boost your child’s learning.

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Exploring Objects Helps Children Learn About Language

Published: Jul 19, 2022
Did you know that exploring objects early on is linked to later communication skills? You can make the most of this connection and help your child learn new words by using a few Hanen strategies while your child explores objects with their hands or their mouth.

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Laying the Foundation for First Words

Published: Jun 9, 2022

Learning to talk starts long before a child says their first words. In fact, there are many things your child needs to learn about before they’re ready to communicate with words. Here are some of the building blocks for using words, and some tips for how you can encourage them with your child.

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Children Who Lead Get the Language They Need!

Published: May 1, 2022
Welcome to our special page all about Following Your Child’s Lead – a key strategy in the Hanen early communication program, It Takes Two to Talk®. Here you’ll learn all about the importance of following your child’s lead to build their language skills, and you’ll find lots of tips and links to get you started.
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Get Face to Face to Communicate!

Published: Apr 18, 2022

Did you know that the way you position yourself when interacting with your child can make a big difference in how much they understand and communicate? Here are some tips you can use to make the most of face-to-face time with your child to help build their communication skills.

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Make Your Daily Routines R.O.C.K.™!

Published: Apr 6, 2022

Since routines usually happen in the same way every time, their predictable steps provide a great opportunity for children on the autism spectrum to learn new things. Learn a key Hanen strategy you can use during your everyday routines to build your child’s understanding and social communication skills.  

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Masking and Beyond: What We Know About Masks and Language Development and What Matters Most Even After the Masks Come Off

Published: Mar 11, 2022

What effect has masking had on children’s early language learning?  Researchers are still working to answer this question, but here’s what we know so far, and some important things to consider both during masking times and after masks are removed.

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Paying Attention to Children’s Joint Attention

Published: Feb 11, 2022

Joint attention is a key skill that helps children develop interaction and language skills. For children on the autism spectrum, research shows that better joint attention skills early on lead to better communication skills later in life. Learn more about joint attention and how you can encourage it during everyday interactions with your child.

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It Takes Two to Talk® Helps More Than Communication, New Studies Show

Published: Jan 17, 2022

Many studies have shown how It Takes Two to Talk builds children’s language skills. But did you know that the program also helps with children’s behaviour, social-emotional and social communication skills?  See what the most recent research reveals.

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