
Maximize your impact by involving parents in the intervention process 

To support the social communication development of autistic children, it’s vital to include parents as key players in the intervention process. But how do you go about engaging and coaching them effectively? 

The 4 “I”s to Socialize workshop offers a clear and practical framework for extending social communication support into the everyday routines and interactions that are most meaningful to the child. You’ll learn how to foster mutual understanding between the parent and child, help them have more fun together, and coach parents to incorporate evidence-based responsive interactions strategies into enjoyable moments with their child. 

This highly interactive online workshop offers: 

  • A research-based protocol for evaluating children’s social communication and determining next steps – A comprehensive checklist helps you zero in on a child’s stage of social communication and identify what his or her next target may be.
  • A set of responsive interaction strategies drawn from Hanen’s evidence-based More Than Words® Program – You’ll share these strategies with parents so they can facilitate their child’s ability to engage in extended, enjoyable interactions within everyday activities and routines.
  • A structured one-to-one parent coaching framework that’s based on principles of adult learning – This consists of a clear, 4-step coaching model that can be used during individual consultations and therapy sessions. This framework considers the needs of adult learners and effectively supports parents’ application and generalization of strategies.
Who is the workshop for?

4 “I”s to Socialize is designed for a variety of professionals who play important roles supporting autistic children and their families. This includes SLP assistants, communications disorders assistants, early childhood special educators, occupational therapists, physical therapists, special education teachers, and many more.


world leaders
Training by a world leader in parent-implemented intervention
evidence based
Evidence-based parent coaching framework grounded in adult learning principles
Interactive online learning in a small group
Practice and discussion opportunities that maximize your learning
easy to use resources
Easy-to-use resources to put what you learn into practice right away
professional development
16.5 professional development hours

Learning Objectives

By the end of this workshop, you will be able to:

  1. Describe the social communication development of autistic children or children who may benefit from social communication support. 
  2. Determine a child’s stage of communication using the 4 “I”s Social Communication Checklist.
  3. Identify appropriate social communication targets for children at each stage of social communication.
  4. Describe evidence-based, responsive interaction strategies that are known to facilitate pleasurable, extended adult-child interactions.
  5. Describe The Hanen Centre’s family-centered approach to early language intervention.
  6. Apply the Hanen coaching framework to facilitate parents’ use of responsive interaction strategies with their child.
  7. Utilize specific communication techniques that facilitate dialogue during interactions with parents.


What participants have said


This workshop licenses you to:

  1. Use the 4-Step 4 “I”s to Socialize Coaching Model 
    You can apply this coaching framework in your daily work to foster a positive partnership with parents, meet their individual needs as adult learners, and maximize their successful application of responsive-interaction strategies with their child. 
  2. Use 4 “I”s to Socialize Handouts and Videos  

    You can use these resources in your 1-1 parent coaching sessions to support their learning.  


Practical Materials

You'll gain access to the following digital resources to support your work:

4 “I”s to Socialize Handouts

These include Actions Plans, Strategy Sheets, and detailed guidance around communicating with and supporting parents.

4 “I”s to Socialize Videos

These real-life video examples help you demonstrate Hanen strategies to parents.

Workshop Components

What to expect at the workshop
Part 1: Self Study

Before the training, you'll complete a self-directed module to prepare you for full participation in the workshop. You’ll learn about the Hanen approach to involving parents, as well as the importance of social interaction and the stages of communication. You will also observe a child on your caseload interacting with their parent, and record your observations on the form provided. 

Midway through the workshop, participants complete a second self-directed module which introduces them to the research behind what works best in coaching parents . 

Part 2: Live, online interactive training

In a small online group, you’ll participate in a series of highly interactive and personalized learning sessions. Each session includes discussion and small group practice activities, as well as the opportunity to reflect and individualize the information for children on your caseload. 

View the workshop agenda

Note on attendance:

Hanen workshops require participants to attend all components of the workshop, as indicated on the workshop registration page. Full attendance is required in order to receive your license to use the 4 “I”s to Socialize framework in your 1-1 parent coaching sessions, as well as your proof of attendance.  

4 “I”s to Socialize™ Workshop Schedule

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