
Explore our articles, tips and resources for supporting young children’s social communication skills.

Like all children, there's so much that young autistic children can learn (and that we can learn from them!) when connecting and enjoying time together. On this page, you'll find lots of information and tips to support the fun back-and-forth interactions that set the stage for learning.

The Power of Parents

As a parent, you’re in the best possible position to help your child learn new communication skills. You know your child better than anyone else – their special strengths, abilities and interests; their likes, dislikes and sensitivities – and you spend the most time with them in familiar and comfortable settings.

Studies have shown that parents can have a big impact on their child’s social communication development when they:

  • Make the most of the everyday routines and activities that are meaningful to their child
  • Encourage back-and-forth interactions that support and build on their child’s interests

At Hanen, we support parents to use research-based interaction strategies with their child during enjoyable everyday activities. Not only do these strategies help to build social communication skills – they also help you understand your child better, learn more about each other’s perspectives, and discover more ways to connect and have fun together.

Did You Know?


Are Certain Toys Better Than Others for Autistic Children?
Can Autistic Children Learn Two Languages?
Include Your Child’s Interests: Building Interaction with Autistic Children



Include Your Child’s Interests

Sometimes you may not be sure how to get an interaction started with your child, especially if they often play alone or have specific or unique interests. Including Your Child’s Interests is a strategy from the Hanen More Than Words® Program that can help you get a back-and-forth interaction going with your child.

Imagine that your child is playing with a toy train set on their own and you’d like to join in and interact with them. Here are three steps to follow: 

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Hanen Programs for Parents

Hanen’s autism programs are offered by certified speech-language pathologists (SLPs) around the world. These programs focus on parent-implemented intervention – where parents are an essential part of their child’s learning. At a Hanen Program, parents learn how to build their child’s social communication skills during natural, everyday situations while connecting and having fun together.

More Than Words®

Learn how to build your child’s social communication skills during everyday routines and activities.

Parents of autistic children or children who may benefit from social communication support (1—5 years)


Learn how to build mutual understanding with your child and help them learn the social skills required to have more extended conversations with adult and peers.

Parents of autistic children who are speaking in sentences and having conversations


Hanen’s autism guidebooks are written for parents of young autistic children or children who may benefit from social communication support. Filled with practical examples and guiding checklists, these resources show parents how they can support their child’s social communication during everyday routines and play.

More Than Words® Guidebook, 2nd Edition

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Make Play R.O.C.K.™ Booklet Series Combo Pack

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TalkAbility™ Guidebook

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Training for Professionals

Are you a professional who supports families of young autistic children? Explore the ways you can maximize your impact with these professional development opportunities.


More Than Words®

23.00 PD Hours / 2.30 ASHA CEUs*

Learn how to coach and support parents of autistic children so they gain the skills to support their child’s social communication skills in fun everyday routines and activities.

Speech-Language Pathologist/Therapist


13.50 PD Hours / 1.35 ASHA CEUs*

Learn a specialized framework for supporting parents of autistic children (ages 4-8) to help their child have more extended conversations and form deeper connections with adults and peers.

More Than Words® certification and current Hanen membership

Hanen 4 “I”s to Socialize™

16.50 PD Hours / 0.00 ASHA CEUs*

Gain an evidence-based framework for training and engaging educators to create the enriched early learning environments that build children’s language, literacy and social skills.

Early Intervention Professional 
