It Takes Two to Talk® Study 9
Study investigating the effectiveness of It Takes Two to Talk in improving children’s language abilities and in equipping parents with the skills to teach their children (Fong et al., 2012)
This Singaporean small-scale study investigated the effectiveness of It Takes Two to Talk® in improving children’s language abilities and in teaching parents to use responsive communication strategies.
It Takes Two to Talk (experimental) group
Three parents of four children with language delays (26-41 months) who participated in It Takes Two to TalkControl group
There was no control group for this study and the authors note that the small sample size is an important limitation
Results & Key Findings
Children whose parents participated in the It Takes Two to Talk Program demonstrated improvements in expressive vocabulary
- Children made gains in expressive language on pre- and post-intervention measures using the Singaporean English version of the MCDI.
- The study reported that the improvements recorded were more significant than “natural” development of language skills and suggested that It Takes Two to Talk had accelerated the children’s communication development.
Parents improved their perceptions of their own ability to support the child’s communication development following participation in the It Takes Two to Talk Program
- Parents’ ratings of statements on a questionnaire improved from pre- to post-intervention.