Relating to Your Child’s Experiences with The Berenstain Bears’ Moving Day
January 12, 2021
Book Nook

One effective technique for deepening your child's story understanding is to relate what’s happening in the book to your child’s existing knowledge and experiences.  Here are some tips to help you do that with the very relatable book, Moving Day.

Making New Words "Stick"
January 06, 2021

Children with language delays often need extra help to develop an understanding of a new word and to be able to use that word on their own. Here are some tips parents can use to make word learning easier for their child.

Tips to Build Vocabulary: Repeat Words That Match Your Child’s Interests
December 14, 2020

If your child is just starting to talk, you might be wondering how you can help him learn new words. Here are some tips for identifying the best words to help your child learn and highlighting those words most effectively.

Problem Solving with Grumpy Bird
October 26, 2020
Book Nook

To really understand a story, children need to use critical thinking skills like problem-solving. Find out how you can encourage your child to problem-solve using the fun book, Grumpy Bird.

Stepping Up Vocabulary with Mud Puddle
October 08, 2020
Book Nook

The vocabulary that children are able to understand and use has a significant impact on the type of readers that they will become. As children enter school, they will encounter more sophisticated vocabulary. In this Book Nook, we share some helpful tips for how to introduce children to new, more sophisticated vocabulary words and build children’s understanding of them.

Building Print Knowledge with The Book with No Pictures
September 22, 2020
Book Nook

Print knowledge is a key early literacy skill that helps set your child on the path to reading and writing success. In this Book Nook, we share some simple tips for showing your child that print has meaning, it represents spoken language and tells a story.

Building Abstract Vocabulary with How Do You Feel?
August 10, 2020
Book Nook

As children enter school, they will encounter more sophisticated vocabulary. In this Book Nook, I’ll share some helpful tips for how to introduce abstract vocabulary words, specifically feelings, and build children’s understanding of them.

How to Build a Strong Foundation for Your Child's Language Skills
May 27, 2020

Did you know that interaction is the most important foundation for your child’s language learning? Learn how to engage your child in the kinds of back-and-forth interactions that set the stage for the best language learning.

Making Predictions with Boomer's Big Day
May 26, 2020
Book Nook

Deepen your child's understanding of stories by helping them predict what might happen next!