Introducing Rare Vocabulary with Big Words for Little Paleontologists
October 21, 2024
Use the Hanen strategy, “Shoot for the SSTaRS” to help your child learn the kinds of higher-level words that prepare them for school success.
Introducing Rare Vocabulary with Mama Built a Little Nest
October 14, 2024
Helping a child understand less commonly used words will have a big impact on their reading and writing abilities later on. In this Book Nook, we share some helpful strategies to introduce rare words to children and to ensure they really understand them.
Turn Book Reading into a Conversation with Not a Box
March 14, 2024
Did you know that engaging your child in a conversation about a story greatly increases the likelihood they’ll understand it? Read on for some tips to turn book reading into a conversation with the fun book, Not a Box.
Relating to Children’s Experiences with Leave Me Alone
February 20, 2024
One of the best ways to build your child’s understanding of stories is to relate what’s happening in the book to things your child already knows or has experienced. Come along for the ride as we look at this fun book about a Grandma with thirty grandchildren and learn some tips for building your child’s comprehension.
Getting Hooked on Books! Choose Books that Spark Your Child’s Interest
January 17, 2024
Sharing books is a great way to build your child’s language and early literacy skills. But what if your child doesn’t seem interested in books or doesn’t pay attention for long? If this sounds like your child, you might need to experiment with different kinds of books to see what catches your child’s interest. Here are some ideas to try!
Building Phonological Awareness with Alien Tea
January 16, 2024
Rhyming books are one of the best tools for promoting sound awareness, a skill that prepares children for connecting the letters they see on a page with the sounds they represent. In this Book Nook, we share a fun Hanen strategy that you can use when sharing rhyming books with your child.
Bring On the Books! 10 Tips for Reading with Autistic Children
November 14, 2023
Reading with your autistic child helps to build both their early literacy skills and communication skills. But did you know that the way you read with your child can make a big difference? Use these fun, simple tips to make the most of book reading to encourage your child to interact and learn.
Building Print Knowledge with My Truck Is Stuck
November 14, 2023
When you read with your child, how much attention do they pay to the words on the page? Do they realise that the written words play an important role in telling the story? Part of supporting your child’s early literacy is helping them understand that print has meaning. Use these tips to build your child’s awareness of print and lay an important foundation for reading and writing.
Building Perspective-taking Skills with They All Saw a Cat
October 19, 2023
When you encourage perspective-taking during book reading, you not only deepen your child’s understanding of the story, but also build the skills that help them understand why the people in their own lives act or respond the way they do. Use the tips in this Book Nook to spark conversations about how we all see and experience the world differently.