Incorporating Pretend with Pretend
January 16, 2022
When you bring a book to life with pretend play, you encourage your child to think more deeply about the story, its characters and what happens as the tale unfolds. Here are some tips to incorporate pretend play into book reading to enrich your child’s story understanding.
Three Keys to Helping Your Child Learn Language
November 23, 2020
There are many techniques you can use to help your child learn language, but which ones are the most effective? Discover the three key things you can do during any activity with your child to give his language learning the biggest boost.
Does Telling Children to Say Words Build Their Vocabulary?
October 14, 2020
If you've ever tried to help your child learn a new word by telling him to say it, you're not alone! But does this tactic actually work? What does it really take to help your child understand a new word and use it on his own?
Build Your Baby's Understanding: Match What You Say to What's Happening in the Moment
February 01, 2018
Babies’ understanding of language begins long before they start to talk. Though they may not be ready to say words, building their understanding is an essential step on the path to language development.