
Recorded video

PD Hours or Credits

0.20 ASHA CEUs/2.00 PD hours Introductory Level


30 days unlimited


Parents play a critical role in supporting their child to develop the emergent literacy skills that lay the foundation for academic success. But are they aware of what these key skills are and how they can most effectively nurture them?

Drawing on content from the Hanen guidebook, I’m Ready!™ How to Prepare Your Child for Reading Success, this e-Seminar shows professionals how they can support parents to nurture their child’s early literacy skills during shared book reading and everyday activities and conversations.

Participants learn a step-by-step coaching framework for supporting parents to use practical, evidence-based strategies to promote the following pillars of early literacy:

  • Conversation
  • Vocabulary
  • Story comprehension
  • Print knowledge
  • Sound awareness




You’ll receive checklists and planning sheets to share with parents to help them apply the strategies during book reading and everyday activities with their child. You’ll also receive presentation slide handouts to keep as a reference and to make notes as you learn.  

Video Examples

Video Examples

You’ll watch real-life examples of parents using literacy-building strategies with their child. You’ll identify what the parent is doing well and what else you may encourage them to do. 

Research-based Strategies

Research-based Strategies

You’ll learn evidence-based strategies for building emergent literacy skills, as well as coaching strategies for supporting parents effectively.  

Learning Objectives

After completing this e-Seminar, you will be able to:

  • Explain the connection between emergent literacy development and later literacy and academic success.
  • Outline the evidence that supports the critical role of parents in fostering the development of emergent literacy skills in their child.
  • Describe literacy facilitating strategies that support children’s development of vocabulary, narrative understanding, inferential and decontextualized language, print knowledge and phonological awareness.
  • Draw on principles of family-centred service and adult learning to apply a step by step framework for coaching parents to implement literacy facilitating strategies.
  • Analyze parent-child interactions for the presence or absence of appropriate literacy facilitating strategies and plan appropriate instructional goals for the parents.


What participants have said

Presenter Info

Presenter Photo

Janice Greenberg

Financial: Janice Greenberg, B.Sc., D.S.P., Reg. CASLPO, is the former Director of Early Childhood Education Services at The Hanen Centre. Her responsibilities included leading Learning Language and Loving It™, ABC and Beyond™ and I'm Ready!™ workshops, and developing resources and materials for use in these workshops and their corresponding programs for educators and parents. She is co-author of the Learning Language and Loving It™, ABC and Beyond™ and I'm Ready!™ guidebooks and author of the Learning Language and Loving It™, ABC and Beyond™ and I'm Ready!™ Leaders Guides. The Hanen Centre holds the copyright to these materials and Janice receives no financial benefit from the sale of these materials. Non-financial: No other relevant non-financial relationships exist.



USD $84.95


USD $45.00

Notes: This e-Seminar focuses on the information outlined above, and will include no or limited information about similar products or services.

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