Choosing People Games that Include Your Child’s Sensory Preferences
It might surprise you to learn that some of your child’s favourite games to play with you are actually shaped by their sensory preferences. By understanding these preferences, you can choose People Games—simple, interactive games played without toys—that make playtime even more engaging and meaningful. Let’s explore how to incorporate your child’s sensory preferences into playful, sensory-rich interactions during People Games!
What are sensory preferences?
Sensory preferences are the individual likes and dislikes we have for specific sensations. All of us have unique sensory preferences that impact how we feel and act. For example, if you enjoy music, you may be reading this article while listening to background music. Or, if you dislike scented products, you may purposefully avoid buying products with strong scents. These sensory preferences relate to how your brain receives, processes and integrates information from your sensory systems.
Children also have unique sensory preferences. They seek out activities that provide enjoyable sensory experiences and avoid those linked to negative ones. By understanding and supporting these preferences, you can choose activities that encourage fun, playful interactions between you and your child.
The eight sensory systems
We have eight (not five!) sensory systems that connect us with our environment:
- Visual system, our sense of sight
- Olfactory system, our sense of smell
- Gustatory system, our sense of taste
- Auditory system, our sense of hearing
- Tactile system, our sense of touch
- Vestibular system, our sense of balance and movement
- Proprioceptive system, our sense of body awareness and how our muscles and joints are moving
- Interoceptive system, our sense of what’s happening inside our body (e.g., feelings of thirst or pain)
Knowing each system and how your child experiences each sense (which we’ll talk about next) gives you a better understanding of your child’s sensory preferences.
Children’s unique sensory experiences
Researchers recently reviewed data related to over 25,000 autistic children and found that 74% experienced sensory differences [1]. You may notice your child experiences the senses in a unique way. Sometimes children experience sensations with such a high intensity that even a small amount of that sensation can feel overwhelming or uncomfortable. To mitigate this experience, children will try to reduce their exposure to these sensations. For example, your child may cover their ears when you vacuum if they are over-sensitive to sound. Or your child may squint or cover their eyes on sunny days if they experience oversensitivity to sight.
It’s also possible to experience sensations with low intensity, meaning it takes a lot of that sensation to stimulate the sensory system. When children are under-sensitive to a sensation, they seek out more of it. For example, a child who’s under-sensitive to sound may enjoy turning up the volume on the TV. Or a child who’s under-sensitive to touch may love playing in tight spaces.
Children can have a combination of over- and under-sensitivities (over-sensitive to some things, under-sensitive to others). If your child seems to seek out certain sensations or avoid others, it can be helpful to complete a sensory checklist, like the “My Child’s Sensory Preferences” checklist found in the More Than Words guidebook, to better understand your child’s sensory preferences. This understanding of your child’s sensory preferences allows you to choose People Games that include the sensations your child seeks out and enjoys.
Choosing People Games that include your child’s sensory preferences
People Games are games that are played without toys – just with people. Some People Games involve movement and music (e.g., “Head and Shoulders”), and some involve just movement or actions (e.g., peek-a-boo, chase). You’ve probably already noticed that these types of games are your child’s favourite thing to play with you! That’s because favourite People Games include your child’s sensory preferences, so they’re a lot of fun and your child is eager to keep the game going.
Because you typically play People Games the same way each time, People Games are predictable. This predictability helps your child to learn about the game and offers many opportunities for your child to participate while you play together. For example, your child may say, “Go,” when they want you to chase them again or they may approach you with their arms raised up to ask you to lift them up high in an up and down game. This back-and-forth interaction between you and your child when you play People Games is just like a conversation, only with fewer words.
Popular People Games
• Hide and seek
• Peek-a-boo
• Finger games like “Where is Thumbkin?” or “Round and Round the Garden”
• Rough housing
• Tickling games
• “This Little Piggy”
• “Ring Around the Rosie”
• Chase
• Piggy back/horsie rides
Once you determine your child’s sensory preferences, you can play People Games that include those preferences. Here are some ideas:
Child's Sensory Preference | Try This People Game |
Running | Chase or races |
Rocking back and forth | “Row, Row, Row Your Boat”: Sit across from your child and rock back and forth as you sing. If your child likes it, hold their hands as you rock. Blanket swing: With two adults, swing the child from side to side as they lay in a blanket |
Watching their hands or fingers move | Finger games such as “This Little Piggy” (played on fingers instead of toes), or “Where is Thumbkin?” |
Spinning | “Ring Around the Rosie” Gently spin the child on an office chair |
Jumping | Jumping on the bed or couch: Jump alongside your child. If your child likes it, hold their hand while you jump together Jumping between pillows or pieces of paper spread out on the floor |
Throwing | Stuffie toss: Throw small stuffed animals into a laundry basket |
Feel of soft fabric or textures | Peek-a-boo with a soft blanket |
Music or sound | Sing or hum songs Dance to music with your child |
Deep pressure or strong hugs | Roll the child up in a blanket, pretending they’re a caterpillar or burrito. Then unroll them and repeat Add a big hug to a chase game when you “catch” them |
Tips for while you play
- Give the game a name and use it every time you play.
- Play the game the same way each time. Repeat what you say and do when you start, continue and finish the game. This repetition helps your child learn the game and know what to expect next.
- Play the game several times. Don’t be surprised if your child wants to play again and again!
- Create opportunities for your child to participate in ways they enjoy. Once your child is familiar with the game, you can wait expectantly to create an opportunity for them to participate. For example, during a game of peek-a-boo, pause before you uncover yourself and say “Boo!” Your child may touch your hand, make a sound or say “Boo!” to keep the game going.
- Keep it fun! Remain playful, animated and remember to include your child’s sensory preferences.
People Games are a simple yet powerful way to connect with your child and include their sensory preferences. These games not only bring joy but also strengthen your connection, making every moment of play a meaningful opportunity to learn and grow together.

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