Social Communication Building Tip

Imitate Your Child to Spark an Interaction

Did you know that imitating your child can be one of the most powerful ways to get an interaction going with your child? To imitate, start by paying close attention to what your child is doing and what they are interested in. Then, join in by doing exactly what they are doing. If they’re playing with a toy or object, such as a train or a spoon, make sure to get your own train or spoon (or something similar) instead of taking the object from your child. 

As you copy your child, observe how they respond to you copying them. Chances are, they will notice you imitating them! They may smile, glance over to check out what you’re doing, or keep the game going by doing their action again. All of these are great signs because it means you’ve started an interaction! Keep it going as long as your child is having fun. 

This tip is based on content from the More Than Words® guidebook.  Learn more about how you can use this guidebook to support your child’s social communication skills.