From First Steps to First Words: How Walking Sets the Stage for Talking
November 27, 2024
Around the same time babies start walking, they also start talking. Is it just a coincidence? Nope! Find out how walking affects children’s communication development, and get some tips for interacting with your child during this important time in their life.
Comments vs Questions: Are You Striking the Right Balance for Your Child?
November 26, 2024
To make conversations last longer, it’s a good idea to swap out some of your questions for comments. Making comments that are based on your child’s interest is one of the best ways to encourage them to communicate. Here’s how to do it!
What Do Communication and Tennis Have in Common?
July 17, 2023
The next time you have a conversation with your child, think of it like a game – of tennis! Follow these pro tips to make the game successful and fun, and to give your child lots of opportunities to build communication skills.
Play Your Child’s Way!
May 12, 2023
There’s no better time for your child to learn about communicating than when they’re playing. Use these tips to join in the play in the best ways to help your child learn.
Thinking Outside the Toy Box: Part 2
November 22, 2022
When you encourage your child to play with a variety of things in a variety of ways, you create new experiences that give your child new opportunities to hear language and learn new things. Here are some more ideas for encouraging language and learning while having fun together!
Thinking Outside the Toy Box: Part 1
October 14, 2022
Parents often wonder about the best toys to help their child learn to communicate and play. Toys from the store are great, but they’re not necessary! Discover how you can use these five everyday household items to have fun with your child while building their language skills.
Children Who Lead Get the Language They Need!
May 01, 2022
Welcome to our special page all about Following Your Child’s Lead – a key strategy in the Hanen early communication program, It Takes Two to Talk®. Here you’ll learn all about the importance of following your child’s lead to build their language skills, and you’ll find lots of tips and links to get you started.
It Takes Two to Talk Helps More Than Communication, New Studies Show
January 16, 2022
Many studies have shown how It Takes Two to Talk builds children’s language skills. But did you know that the program also helps with children’s behaviour, social-emotional and social communication skills? See what the most recent research reveals
Research Reveals the Power of Pretending
May 13, 2019
A new study reveals that pretend play is an excellent way for children to practice important early communication skills, including joint attention and gestures, that facilitate their language learning,