The Pre-Workshop Assignment for the It Takes Two to Talk® workshop was developed to prepare you for the workshop and draw on your clinical experience. It consists of five parts. Completion of all 5 steps of the assignment is mandatory before attending the workshop.

Part 1

Online Module A: “Helping Adults Learn

Approximately 1 hour 

Through completing this interactive online module, participants will learn about:

  • the theoretical framework that underlies what and how participants learn in all Hanen Programs.
  • how this framework relates to designing an effective learning environment for parents or educators based on principles of adult learning.
  • how an adult’s learning style, knowledge, experiences, values and beliefs affect Hanen Program participants’ learning.
  • how the Hanen teaching methodology, titled the "4P Teaching-Learning Cycle,” facilitates learning and behavior change based on the principles of adult learning.

Part 2

Reading from the It Takes Two to Talk Parent Guidebook

Approximately 20–30 minutes 

Reading excerpts from It Takes Two to Talk: A Practical Guide for Parents of Children with Language Delays (Weitzman, 2017) provides participants a framework for completing Part 3 and 4 of the assignment. Owning the guidebook is required for attending the workshop.

Part 3

Online Module B: “A Closer Look at Children’s Communication and the Parent-Child Interaction”

Approximately 45–60 minutes

Completing this interactive online module serves as the foundation for observing a child and parent prior to the workshop and is integral to the content and activities in Day 1 of the workshop.

Part 4

Observe a Parent-Child Interaction

Approximately 1–2 hours

Participants will observe a young child (between 12 months – 4 years) with a language delay, but not a child with autism spectrum disorder, interacting with their parent. Observations will be recorded using the downloadable forms and will be discussed throughout the workshop.

Part 5

Familiarise Yourself with Zoom

Participants will be required to use many of the functions of Zoom in the workshop. Practice using Zoom prior to the workshop ensures a successful online workshop experience.