
Social communication is about much more than our ability to use words and sentences. It’s about how we use communication during social situations and how we understand the verbal and non-verbal messages others send. Our ability to connect with others during an interaction and to have an enjoyable conversation depends on each person using their social communication skills. 

If you have an autistic child who speaks in sentences, you may be wondering what you can do to support their social communication. At a TalkAbility Program, you learn strategies you can apply during your everyday life with your child to help you understand your child’s perspective better, and to help your child understand the perspectives of others – a key part of social communication. You also learn how to help your child have longer conversations with both adults and peers, as well as how to support their friendship skills.




TalkAbility is grounded in research on what helps autistic children develop their social skills. In particular, research shows that when parents use specific kinds of language with their child, they can support their child's perspective-taking skills (also known as “theory of mind”). Read more about the research.

A naturalistic approach

A naturalistic approach
The strategies you learn in TalkAbility are child-centered, meaning they make the most of your child’s unique interests, strengths and preferences, as well as their everyday routines and interactions. In this way, your child expands their social communication skills in the natural context of the things, people and topics that matter to them, making the learning meaningful, ongoing and fun.

The chance to connect with other families

The chance to connect with other families
You receive invaluable support and insight from other families who share similar experiences.

High-quality learning experience

High-quality learning experience
You learn the strategies during interactive sessions with other parents, where you view video examples, have group discussions, ask questions and plan how you will apply what you learn with your child.

Individualized support

Individualized support
The Hanen Certified speech-language pathologist works with you and your child to identify their specific social communication needs and provide you with personalized guidance and feedback.

Developed by a trusted leader in parent-implemented early language intervention

Developed by a trusted leader in parent-implemented early language intervention
Since 1975, The Hanen Centre has been at the forefront of developing evidence-based programs to involve parents in their child’s intervention.

What You'll Learn

At the TalkAbility Program, you learn practical strategies you can easily build into everyday routines and interactions to:

  • Encourage longer, more meaningful conversations.
  • Help your child notice and understand the social messages people send non-verbally.
  • Understand your child’s perspective and help them understand the perspectives of others.
  • Foster your child’s friendship skills. 
  • Expand your child’s play skills.

Program Components

Orientation Session

You learn about the TalkAbility Program and what to expect. 

Pre-program consultation

You and your child meet with the Hanen SLP. 

A series of group sessions with other educators

You attend eight interactive small group sessions, led by the Hanen SLP. In these sessions, you learn how to use the program strategies to support your child to have longer conversations.

Individual visits with you and your child

You participate in three personalised sessions with the SLP, that include a video-recording of you and your child interacting together, followed by discussion with and feedback from the SLP.

Program Resources

Throughout the program, you’ll refer to the TalkAbility guidebook to support your learning. This easy-to-read guide includes clear explanations and illustrated examples of strategies to support your child’s conversations with both adults and peers, and to build their perspective-taking skills. 

You’ll also receive Home Plans, which you’ll fill out together with the Hanen SLP, to help you plan how you’ll use the strategies with your child. 


What participants have said

Which Children Will Benefit?

The TalkAbility Program is for autistic children (ages 4-8) who are speaking in sentences and having conversations. A speech-language pathologist can help you determine if TalkAbility may be helpful for your child. 

Looking for a TalkAbility program?

The first step is to find a Hanen SLP who is certified to offer TalkAbility. The SLP may offer the program in-person or online, or they may use the program content in their day-to-day individual clinical work with parents and children.