
Do you have a child under the age of 30 months who frequently communicates messages and ideas to you, but doesn’t use as many words as other children their age? “Late Talkers” are young children who understand what they are told, have good play and turn-taking skills, and have no trouble learning everyday routines, but the number of words they use (their expressive vocabulary) is limited.

The Target Word Program is specifically designed for parents of children under the age of 30 months who are Late Talkers. Through a combination of parent group learning sessions and individual sessions with a Hanen SLP, you learn how to select “target words” for your child, and how to naturally create opportunities for your child to use these words during everyday routines and activities. 



Target Word draws from research that identifies effective strategies for enhancing very young children’s expressive language development.

A naturalistic approach

A naturalistic approach
Studies show that young children learn language best during fun, everyday interactions with their parents and caregivers. The strategies you learn in the program become a natural part of day-to-day life, which maximizes the amount of support your child receives.

The chance to connect with other families

The chance to connect with other families
You receive invaluable support and insight from other families who share similar experiences.

High-quality learning experience

High-quality learning experience

You learn the strategies during engaging sessions with other parents, where you view video examples, have group discussions, ask questions and plan how you will apply what you learn with your child.

Individualized support

Individualized support
The Hanen Certified speech-language pathologist works with you and your child to identify their specific expressive language needs and provide you with personalized guidance and feedback.

Developed by a trusted leader in parent-implemented early language intervention

Developed by a trusted leader in parent-implemented early language intervention

Since 1975, The Hanen Centre has been at the forefront of developing effective programs for involving parents in their child’s intervention. The Target Word Program was developed by expert speech-language pathologist at The Hanen Centre.

What You'll Learn

At a Target Word Program, you’ll learn how to:

  • Respond when your child communicates without using words.
  • Turn everyday activities into opportunities for language-learning.
  • Introduce new words and ideas into playtime and other activities.
  • Join in your child's play and favorite activities in ways that help your child use new words.
  • Set up activities so your child can learn new words.

Program Components

Pre-program Consultation

You and your child meet with the Hanen SLP.  

A series of parent-only group sessions

You attend five interesting and interactive small group sessions, led by the Hanen SLP. In these sessions, you’ll learn how to promote interactions and conversations to create opportunities for your child to grow their expressive vocabulary during everyday interactions and routines.  

Individual visits with you and your child

You’ll participate in two personalized sessions with the SLP that include a video recording of you and your child interacting together, followed by discussion and feedback from the SLP.

Consolidation Period Follow-Up Appointment

A consolidation period takes place six -to -12 weeks after you complete the program to determine changes in your child’s communication, play and social skills. You’ll have a follow-up appointment as close as possible to your child turning 30 months old in which you and the Hanen SLP discuss next steps together.

Program Resources

You’ll use the Target Word Parent Handbook to support your learning throughout the program. This personalized, fillable workbook helps you relate the program information to your child, plan and record your home activities and track your own and your child’s progress.

You’ll also refer to the It Takes Two to Talk® guidebook throughout the program for additional support. This easy-to-read guide includes clear explanations and illustrated examples of how to encourage your child’s language learning in different contexts such as routines, book reading, and playtime.


What participants have said

Which Children Will Benefit?

The Target Word Program is for young children whose primary concern is delayed expressive language. Also referred to as Late Talkers, these are children who:

  • have an expressive vocabulary of fewer than 24 words and are between 18 and 20 months; OR
  • have an expressive vocabulary of fewer than 40 words and are between 21 and 24 months; OR
  • have an expressive vocabulary of fewer than 100 words and are between 24 and 30 months; OR
  • have limited word combinations by 24 months; AND
  • have relatively good skills in his or her other areas of development (understanding, play, social, motor and cognitive skills); AND
  • have some risk factors, such as limited use of gestures, limited use of different speech sounds, or a family history of language delay.

A speech-language pathologist can help you determine if Target Word may be helpful for your child.

Looking for a Target Word Program?

The first step is to find a Hanen SLP who is certified to offer Target Word. The SLP may offer the program in-person or online, or they may use the program content in their day-to-day individual clinical work with parents and children.