
People games are simple and familiar routines that require at least two people, but no toys (think Peekaboo, chase, and tickle games). Children naturally enjoy people games because they're based on their own unique sensory preferences – whether it’s movement, touch, sound, music, or sight that they crave. 

But there's another important advantage to people games, which is that they have their own built-in structure and are usually played the same way each time. This makes the game familiar and predictable for your child, which creates opportunities for them to participate in the game or song while you support their social communication.

The Plan for People Play booklet shows you how to use motivating activities, based on your child’s sensory preferences, to create opportunities for your child to send messages. You learn how to break these activities down into small steps with a clear beginning, middle and ending using a Hanen strategy called R.O.C.K.™. As you use the strategies from Plan for People Play, you'll be supporting your child’s social communication skills as you connect and have fun together during people play. 

What Parents Learn

Plan for People Play helps parents: 

  • Identify their child’s sensory preferences and choose people games that are based on these sensory preferences. 
  • Know how and when to offer their children opportunities to send messages in people play.


  • Examples of over two dozen people games with guidance on how to play them.
  • Concrete examples and illustrations of parents using Plan for People Play strategies with their child.
  • “Game Plan” templates to help parents plan their next people game and how to support their child’s social communication skills. 

Benefits for Parents and Professionals

Children learn a lot within the context of play. Fun back-and-forth interactions create opportunities for your child to learn about themselves and the world around them. When you engage your child in people play, you are helping them discover how much fun it is to play and interact with others.

Product Details

Edition: 1st
Page Count: 51
Language: English
ISBN: 978-0-921145-48-6

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Plan For People Play

Building Early Social Communication Skills in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Other Social Communication Difficulties


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