
Put Pretending into Your Child’s Play is written specifically for parents of autistic children. In this booklet parents learn how to identify the kind of pretend play their child enjoys and how to support them to explore new ways to pretend. 

What Parents Learn

Put Pretending into Your Child’s Play helps parents:  

  • Identify their child’s stage of pretend play and their next steps. 
  • Learn powerful interaction strategies to engage their child in play. 


  • Checklist for identifying children’s current stage of pretend play and the next step they can take.
  • Ideas for pretend play toys for each stage of pretend play. 
  • Concrete examples and illustrations of parents using the strategies in the booklet. 
  • A Pretend Play Plan to help plan children’s next play step and how to support them.  

Benefits for Parents and Professionals

When you support your child during pretend play, you are creating opportunities for your child to learn about themselves and about the world. Put Pretending into your Child’s Play helps you create more of these opportunities for connection and fun, while also supporting your child’s social communication. 

Product Details

Edition: 1st
Page Count: 63
Language: English
ISBN: 978-0-921145-50-9

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Put Pretending into Your Child’s Play

Building Pretend Play for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Other Social Communication Difficulties


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