
Set all young children on the path to success 

Teacher Talk™ is a flexible series of trainings designed to equip early childhood educators with key strategies from the Learning Language and Loving It™ Program. 

Educators learn research-based techniques to maximize the quality of their interactions in order to build the best possible early language, literacy and social skills for all children. This includes children who are developing typically, have a language delay or are second-language learners.




Teacher Talk is drawn from the evidence-based Learning Language and Loving It Program, which has been shown to have positive effects on children’s language development, including increased language use, increased initiation of interactions, and more frequent peer interaction. Read more about the research here

A naturalistic approach

A naturalistic approach

Teacher Talk strategies help educators find natural opportunities throughout the day to build early social, language and literacy skills. In this way, children learn in a way that’s both ongoing and fun.   

High-quality learning experience

High-quality learning experience

Participants learn the strategies in a stimulating group environment with other educators. They watch and analyse real-life video examples, participate in group discussions, and have opportunities to practice and plan how they will apply the strategies with the children they work with.

Developed by a trusted leader in parent-implemented early language intervention

Developed by a trusted leader in early language development and intervention

Since 1975, The Hanen Centre has been at the forefront of developing evidence-based programs for parents and educators to help them build the best possible early language, literacy and social skills for all young children.

Learning Objectives

Teacher Talk™ Training A: Encouraging Language Development in Early Childhood Settings

This training shows educators how to use everyday conversations, play and daily routines to promote the communication and social development of all children, including those with language delays and those who are second language learners. Educators learn how to: 

  • Identify children’s conversational styles and the role teachers play in interactions
  • Implement six steps to following the child’s lead:  Observe, Wait and Listen, Be Face to Face, Imitate, Interpret, Comment, and Join in and Play
  • Help children become better conversation partners by using appropriate questions, comments and turn-taking cues
  • Use five important steps to ensure that no child is left out of the interaction during group activities
Teacher Talk™ Training B: Let Language Lead the Way to Literacy

This training discusses the important links between oral language development and literacy, and provides practical strategies for paving the way for children to read and write. Educators learn how to: 

  • Help children develop a positive attitude toward the use of print
  • Choose books that match children’s interests and stages of development
  • Use book reading as a time for interaction and conversation
  • Make print a natural and meaningful part of every day
Teacher Talk™ Training C: Fostering Peer Interaction in Early Childhood Settings

This training shows educators how to provide a physical and social environment that encourages peer interaction and creates many opportunities or successful interactions with other children. Educators learn how to: 

  • Make the most effective use of space in the classroom
  • Encourage a variety of groupings for interaction
  • Provide appropriate materials and activities
  • Create reasons for interaction and providing specific coaching


What participants have said

Practical Materials

Participants receive a Teacher Talk workbook for each session that allows them to personalize the content and think about how they will meet the needs of the individual children in their classroom.

Workshop Components

What to expect at the workshop 

Teacher Talk actively engages participants through discussions, small group activities, analysis of video examples and completion of practical Action Plans that participants take back to their classrooms. The training consists of three full day components that may be offered flexibly depending on the needs of the organization.  Teacher Talk A may be offered alone, or in combination with B and/or C.  Each of these three components may also be divided into three shorter 2.5 hour sessions:

  • Teacher Talk™ Training A: Encouraging Language Development in Early Childhood Settings (7.5 hours)
  • Teacher Talk™ Training B: Let Language Lead the Way to Literacy (7.5 hours)
  • Teacher Talk™ Training C: Fostering Peer Interaction in Early Childhood Settings (7.5 hours)


Attending Teacher Talk

There are two ways to bring Teacher Talk to your organization:

  1. The Hanen Centre can provide a Teacher Talk Trainer

    You may request that a Hanen Certified instructor offer an online Teacher Talk training for staff at your organization. Please contact us if you are interested in this option.

  2. SLPs and ECE Consultants who have a Teacher Talk license may offer the training

    Professionals who have attended the Learning Language and Loving It workshop are licensed to offer Teacher Talk. This license includes a Leaders Guide and Program Slides for each training. 

    If you train or consult to early childhood educators, learn more about becoming certified in Learning Language and Loving It.