Language in Early Childhood Settings

Explore our articles, tips and resources for building language skills in early childhood settings. 

Early childhood educators are special people in children’s lives – they’re adults children trust, who care for them, spend a lot of time with them, and have fun with them. This gives educators tremendous potential to make meaningful connections with children, build their confidence, and nurture the early language skills that set them on the path to success.

On this page, you’ll find lots of information and tips for creating enriched language-learning experiences for all children in your care.

The Power of Interaction

The best thing about nurturing children’s language skills is that it’s not an extra activity that you need to “fit” into an already busy day. Instead, it’s something that can happen naturally during any activity you do with children, from snack time to play time to book reading to handwashing.

Studies show that the way educators interact with children makes a big difference to their learning. It’s important to engage children in genuine back-and-forth interactions that build on their interests and support their individual needs. These sorts of interactions motivate children to engage for longer, which gives them the best possible opportunities to practice their language skills. 

You may find that some children readily communicate, while others are more reluctant and may be left out. In a room full of diverse needs and abilities, it’s important to be intentional in your interactions with each child, tailoring your support to ensure that all children have opportunities to learn. Hanen strategies are designed to help you do this easily during everyday activities.

Did You Know?


Tips for Supporting Dual Language Learners in Early Childhood Settings
What Stands in the Way of Successful Peer Play?
Just Being in the Same Classroom Is Not Enough: How to Promote Peer Interactions



Keep the Conversation Going

The longer you keep a child engaged in conversation, the more opportunities they have to practice their language skills. Start by making interesting comments and asking questions that build on children’s interests. Then wait expectantly for a response – pausing for a few seconds so the child has time to respond. Here are some fun tips for keeping the conversation going in different situations:

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Hanen Programs

Hanen programs for early childhood educators are offered around the world by Hanen Certified SLPs and Early Childhood Education Consultants. These programs show educators how they can nurture early language, literacy and social skills in group settings while supporting the needs of individual children.

Learning Language and Loving It™

Learn how to build the best possible early language, social and literacy skills for all children in your care.

Early childhood educators who work with young children (birth-5)

Teacher Talk™ Training Series

Learn key strategies from the Learning Language and Loving It™ Program to build the best possible early language, social and literacy skills for all children.

Early childhood educators who work with young children (birth-5)


Hanen’s early literacy guidebooks are filled with practical, research-based information and strategies for parents and educators of young children (ages 3—5). These guidebooks feature clear examples, guiding checklists and “Try It Out” sections to support parents and educators to build early literacy throughout the day. 

Training for Professionals

Are you a professional who trains or consults to early childhood educators? Explore the ways you can maximize your impact with these professional development opportunities.   


Learning Language and Loving It™

22.50 PD Hours / 2.25 ASHA CEUs*

Learn how to provide outstanding in-service education that gives childcare providers and preschool teachers the skills to facilitate children’s social, language and literacy development in early childhood settings.

Speech-Language Pathologist or Early Childhood Education Consultant/Trainer

TeacherTalk™ Training Series

22.50 PD Hours / 0.00 ASHA CEUs*

Learn how to build the best possible language, social and literacy skills for all children in early childhood settings.

Early Childhood Educator


e-Seminar image

2.00 PD Hours / 0.20 ASHA CEUs*

e-Seminar image

2.00 PD Hours / 0.20 ASHA CEUs*