
Research shows that parents can have a big impact on their child’s social communication development when they focus on their child’s interests, strengths and preferences, as well as on the everyday routines and interactions that the child enjoys. 

The More Than Words® guidebook is designed specifically for parents of autistic children or children who may benefit from social communication support. Filled with research-based strategies and practical examples, the guidebook supports parents to understand more about their child’s communication, and to support their child’s learning during fun, everyday interactions. 

What Parents Learn

More Than Words helps parents and caregivers learn: 

  • How to use their knowledge about their child’s strengths to set appropriate and realistic goals.
  • How to identify and include their child’s sensory preferences in fun engaging activities.
  • How child led play leads to fun back-and-forth interactions.
  • How to turn everyday activities into opportunities to support their child’s communication.
  • How to help their child understand what you say.
  • How to join in on their child’s favourite things to do and help them develop their communication skills while having fun together.


  • Information that helps parents identify their child’s stage of communication.
  • Checklist to identify the child’s sensory preferences and how to accommodate these during fun interactions. 
  • Practical ideas to support fun back-and-forth interactions during activities and daily routines that the child enjoys.
  • Illustrated examples of parents using the strategies during everyday interactions. 

Benefits for Parents and Professionals

The strategies you learn in More Than Words are child-centered, meaning that they make the most of your child’s unique enthusiasms, strengths and preferences, as well as the everyday routines and interactions that are comfortable for them. By using More Than Words strategies, you support your child’s social communication skills in the context of the things, people and topics that matter to them, making the learning fun, meaningful and ongoing. 

Using More Than Words with the support of your child’s speech-language pathologist (SLP) will have the greatest impact, as you can discuss your child’s social communication goals together and identify the More Than Words strategies that you can use to support your child’s social communication.


Product Details

Edition: 2nd
Page Count: 424
Language: English
ISBN: 0-921145-41-7
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More Than Words® Guidebook, 2nd Edition

A Parent's Guide to Building Interaction and Language Skills for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder or Social Communication Difficulties


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