
Recorded video

PD Hours or Credits

0.00 ASHA CEUs/2.00 PD hours
Not registered for CEUs


30 days unlimited


Professionals who work with young children often say that one of the hardest parts of their job is sharing sensitive information with parents about their child’s development. The Sharing Sensitive News e-seminar provides early childhood educators and other professionals with specific strategies for sharing information with parents in a way that emphasizes active listening and promotes positive collaboration. When we share the news in a way that is sensitive, family-centred and respectful of parents’ points of view, we greatly improve the chances for successful collaboration.




You’ll receive presentation slide handouts to keep as a reference and to make notes as you learn.  

Video Examples

Video Examples

You’ll watch simulations of professionals interacting with parents, and identify what they’re doing well, and what they may improve upon to share news more sensitively with parents. 

Research-based Strategies

Research-based Strategies

You’ll learn practical strategies for sharing sensitive news with parents in ways that lay the foundation for successful collaboration. 

Learning Objectives

After completing this e-Seminar, you will be able to:

  • Identify why information may be difficult for educators to share and difficult for parents to hear.
  • Plan ahead for how to effectively share information with parents.
  • Clearly share information in a way that actively involves parents in the discussion and is sensitive to their feelings and perspective.


What participants have said

Presenter Info

Presenter Photo

Tamara Stein

Financial: Tamara Stein, M.Sc.(A)–SLP(C)is a Speech-Language Pathologist who has been working with young children and their families since 2009. She currently works at The Hanen Centre, where she contributes to program and resource development. Tamara also leads It Takes Two to Talk® and SPARK Communication™ workshops. She uses Hanen resources in her clinical work with families and also offers It Takes Two to Talk®, More Than Words®, I’m Ready™, TalkAbility™ and ABC and Beyond™ programs to parents and educators. Non-financial: No other relevant non-financial relationships exists.



USD $84.95


USD $45.00

Notes: This e-Seminar focuses on the information outlined above, and will include no or limited information about similar products or services.

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